Best Way to Keep Your Grass Green During Winter in Southern California
Southern California’s mild winters make it possible to maintain lush, green grass year-round. However, the cooler temperatures and reduced sunlight can present challenges for lawn care. By following a few key strategies, you can keep your grass healthy and vibrant even during the winter months. 1. Choose the Right Grass Type 2. Water Wisely 3. […]
How to Properly Mow Your Lawn This Summer!
Mowing is definitely one of, if not the more straightforward, services we offer here at Ruff and Ready Landscape Construction. But, oddly enough, mowing is a process that is harder than you think to perfect! If you want a luscious and neat lawn, it will require some maintenance. As humans, we have to monitor and […]
How to Prepare Your Lawn for The Summer Season!
Summer is here! We already have gotten those hot days that made us feel like the season came early this year. With the weather being gorgeous and the first day of summer being June 20th, we wanted this week’s blog to discuss prepping your lawn for this summer season! The summer is the season where […]
5 Must-Have Service to Have Done to Your Yard for Memorial Day!
Memorial Day is quickly approaching. It is the first event of the “summer” season, a statement for all to say that they are excited and waiting for the warm weather. Of course, sometimes, Memorial Day marks the first big BBQ of the year. We all know that in California, we do things right! We just […]
Rounding Out the Top 4 Lawn Care Mistake to Avoid – Number 4: Weeds
Last week’s blog tackled the third type of lawn care mistake people make, which in case you missed it is, incorrectly fertilizing your lawn. To find that blog, click here. This blog will continue to cover lawn care mistakes with the fourth and last error, which is incorrectly tackling weeds on your lawn. This will […]
Round 3: More Lawn Care Mistake to Avoid
In case you missed it, last week’s blog tackled the second round of lawn care mistakes people make related to mowing. To find that blog, click here. We will continue to cover lawn care mistakes this week with the third round of mistakes related to fertilizing. This will continue our series on lawn care mistakes […]
The Biggest Lawn Care Mistake
This blog is going to feature the top lawn care mistake that everyone makes. Now that we are approaching the height of your lawn’s upcoming peak season, we wanted to give you as much help and support as we can when it comes to caring for your lawn.