Rounding Out the Top 4 Lawn Care Mistake to Avoid – Number 4: Weeds
Last week’s blog tackled the third type of lawn care mistake people make, which in case you missed it is, incorrectly fertilizing your lawn.
To find that blog, click here. This blog will continue to cover lawn care mistakes with the fourth and last error, which is incorrectly tackling weeds on your lawn. This will end our blog series on lawn care mistakes. We hope you enjoyed these articles and that you look forward to more of our blogs in the future.
Just to remind you of the top areas where people make mistakes make when it comes to lawn care, here they are:
- Watering your lawn
- Mowing your lawn
- Fertilizing your lawn
- Using Herbicide or Weed Killer on your lawn
You can look for the links above or search the blogs on our website!
So now that we have officially done three out of the four blogs, last week’s being on the fertilizing, let us end the series with the number four mistake made, using or apply herbicide/ weed killer to fight weeds on your lawn.
Another simple service or task that seems easy but messing it up can be devastating to your lawn.
This is the time of year that you need to care for your lawn and prepare it for its peak seasons of spring and summer. We want to do our part at Ruff and Ready Landscape Construction to provide as much help and support as possible to make sure your lawn is healthy, stable, flourishing, and will be available to be enjoyed by you and your guests this year.
Of course, let us also remember Ruff and Ready Landscape Construction is here to help you with all your lawn care needs and will be more than happy in servicing your lawn to make sure these mistakes are avoided.
Now to shed some light on the topic. This blog will tell you the last common type of mistakes people make so that you can avoid them. If the error mentioned in this blog or the blog series does not occur on your lawn, then you have correctly cared for your turf! If they do happen, call a professional to help you fix the issues.
Now on to the weeds…
Preventing weeds from forming on your lawn or landscape is nearly impossible. Some will grow, but weeds can be a severe problem for you and your property if you do not handle the issue. Weeds tend to take away all essentials for the rest of your lawn and landscape. Weeds take things such as:
- Water
- Nutrients
- Sunlight
- Energy
- Space
- Attention
Weeds are a serious issue and can steal the much-needed attention that your lawn care routine requires. Weeds also tend to be harmful and potentially poisonous and can ultimately kill your lawn and potentially even harm you!
So, the response to weeds forming on your property is… WEED KILLER aka HERBICIDE.
The mistake people make when it comes to herbicide is mostly during its application. People never seem to use a precise amount of herbicide when applying it. If you end up applying too much herbicide to your lawn, it has the potential to damage your property completely. Herbicide can also be hazardous to pets, children, your garden, and any living things on your property.
What is the proper amount of weed killer that I should apply to my lawn?
Based on research, it is highly suggested that when you begin to see weeds start to sprout on your lawn that you take the time to manually pull them out to avoid using herbicide at all. Suppose you have a rather large property in size or certain circumstances where you cannot manually pull out each and every weed. In that case, you need to your best and research what herbicide is suitable for your lawn while also figuring out what kind of herbicide is least harmful to your situation.
When you finally find the correct herbicide for your specific lawn and situation, then you must apply the herbicide in small amounts. It is suggested that you use the herbicide during the day. This is so the recently applied herbicide can be avoided for an extended period. Herbicide is something you should look into as it can be very dangerous. It is recommended to keep out of the range of children and pets, so when the children are in school and after your dog has gone out for the morning, it is the perfect window for you to apply your herbicide.
Because this blog is written for support, we want to take this time to give you some helpful tips on tackling weeds and herbicide:
- When watering your lawn, do not water the weeds.
- Weed right after heavy rainfall.
- Any sort of digging will bring your rooted weeds to the surface.
- Fruits and veggies are best grown in pots to avoid weeds.
- Preemergent herbicides are the best option for preventing weeds as it attacks and kills the weeds before they have a chance to grow.
- A mulching service will also prevent weeds from growing on your lawn or landscape.
- Do not apply herbicide on a windy morning.
- When doing your research to purchase herbicide, chemical-free is the least harmful or dangerous option.
We hope that those tips will ultimately help you in your fight against weeds this season. We want to also thank you for reading our first blog series on lawn care mistakes, and we are looking forward to sharing future articles.
Remember – Hiring a professional is the best option in maintaining your lawn!
With that said, remember Ruff and Ready Landscape Construction is here for all your lawn care and landscaping needs!
So, if you are a resident of Menifee, Winchester, Murrieta, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, or Temecula, CA, or any of their adjoining areas, give Ruff and Ready a call today!